Families The families are gone and the children have no hope...They wander though the wilderness with a blind
fold and there is no one to lead them though the darkeness...The evils surround them on all sides while they believe they
are safe...They think they are learning and know all , but there minds are thick with fog...The few who can help continue
to turn there backs caught up in a world of greed and selfishness...The mistakes of the elders is magnified by the would be
students and I sit back and cry cause my child is younger then the rest. Count Gator 03.16.01 (c) 2001,
Walter H. Lange
Again As I saw her walk into the room, The breeze from her perfume set me on fire...I remembered that look on her
face, her beauty was like a warm spring day...As she came closer my skin felt like a mountain range...I saw in her eyes the
pains of the past and it made me remember mine...Are souls are the same, full of pain and passion. My nerves were shot sitting
there next to her and I new not what to say...I could sense she felt the same...I wonder if I can take a chance on a new life
and if she feels the same...The past has left scars like trees with broken limbs...We have alot in common and we now each
other well , but is it enough to consume the pains that are at the root of ours souls from the past... Count Gator
10:59 am 03.16.01 (c) 2001, Walter H. Lange
Thief She came like a thief in the night and lead me away from reality...I yearned for her like a sailor longs
for the sea...I believed her every word...when she is there nothing can invade her space....She came like a thief in the night
and stole my very soul....I feel like my heart is burning with desire for her....I know I should be careful for I do not know
her that well...She came like a thief in the night and stole my emotions and then she was gone. Count Gator
2:23 pm 03.16.01 (c) 2001, Walter H. Lange
The darkness I walk in the darkness with no reasoning, looking for something that I believe exists...The moon casts
a bright ray of loveliness on everything real and unreal...I here noizes that are all about...I venture foward thinking of
your beauty, smiling as I continue on into the unknown... I stumble on my thoughts not nowing if my existance is important
to you...I feel like the night, empty and dark....The only thing of importance is you....I lay under the stars in the grass
and look up to the black sky...There the stars seem to draw a picture of your face shining ever so bright....I know that if
I look away you will be gone ....If you are out there and can here me if I scream... All you will here is I love you...
Count Gator 03.14.01 4:50 pm (c) 2001, Walter H. Lange
Shock With the morning comes the shock of Reality...I can't believe I am alone after the nights dream...You were
there Laughing and Smiling and now I sit here awake in my bed with an empty heart and a frown....Life is full of shocking
reals and unreals...The problem is telling them apart...You strive for happiness just to obtain sorrows...When you are born
in to this world, you are just a screaming child and though out your life the screaming seems to never stop...The only difference
is the screaming is a sound from with in your soul that some times remains quite so only you can here...I look around the
room one last time but, it was sure a dream...I sometimes wonder if its punishment for my mistakes when I made other people
scream... Count Gator 9:40 am 03.10.01 (c) 2001, Walter H. Lange
When the Night ends On this old country road I walk dreaming... A car comes over the hill and the headlights
bring me back to reality... They blind me like my love for you..As the Car passes, So does the noise and then it is silent
again...The night is on fire from the light of the full moon...The night with all its serenity reminds me of the serene look
on you face as I kiss your forhead...I wish you would be over the next hill that I climb but, There is nothing there but blackness
sparkling in the Moons glow...What are you doing that effects me so...I can not pin point what makes me love you so...Is it
that unseen smile or that unheard giggle... Whatever it is the darkness that I feel will soon end when I see
the sun in your eyes when we meet for the first time... Count Gator 10:38 pm 03.09.01 (c) 2001,
Walter H. Lange
Wind The wind is blowing hard though my skin by the river...You are on the otherside...I can see you and
the wind carries your scent skipping to me like a rock...The moon is reflecting off your eyes like a stobe...An alarm is going
off in my body and it's sending shivers of love though out...My desires are blowing like the wind...The crickets are chirping
a song that I have never heard...My heart pounds like it will leap from my body...Your eyes glow like that of a wolf howling
under the moon...I search for for the bridge that will carry me to you...but there is nothing but the wind...the water...the
moon...and a refection of you in the water larger than life...I want to ride the wind like a horse with wings and carry you
off to a calm place called eternal love... Count Gator 03.08.01 7:24 pm (c) 2001, Walter
H. Lange
Fool With you next to me my life has meaning like no other..Your lips kissing my forehead are soft as a new born
infant...With your hair running though my fingers my eyes go closed and I try to become one with your soul...The thought of
loosing you crosses my mind and I try to think of something else...I continue forward with no malice...I must let you be who
you are but the fear of loosing you overwhelms me... I forget the thoughs and return to reality. I have to enjoy
the time of the present ..What the future holds is unclear almost as my mistakes in the past...I will not interfere...I must
not interfere...true love prevales over all things and if your love is true and I act not as a fool I will never loose you.
Count Gator 7:49 pm 03.08.01 (c) 2001, Walter H. Lange
Spring Love I feel the warm air of the new spring rushing over me and the feeling I have felt before....It has
my mind wandering as I try to pin point this time....I give to the feeling and venture in to the bright heat of the sun....I
look at the new sprouts upon the tree limbs and again it resembles something else...I look to the sky and a first Robin of
the year circles above as it homes in on a branch sutible to find rest.... As the day draws to an end, I sit in the yard....The
sun as it sets is shrouded in red signaling another day of the same....I return to the house and you meet me at the door....I
feel that warmth from the new spring rushing all over my body....I remember my first blossoms of love for you like it was
yesterday....I grab you in my arms and I rest my soul in your imbrace like the Robin on the limb.,,,,I kiss you and my vision
turns to red to signal another day of the same... Countgator 10:37 pm 03.11.01 (c) 2001, Walter
H. Lange